Thank You For A Great 2024! We Will Reopen In The Spring 2025! We Wish You Happy & Safe Holidays!
Margaritaville Lake
Resort |
Thouvenel Stables is
conveniently located close to the main hotel
front desk check-in center at Margaritaville
Lake Resort.
We offer a wonderful selection of safe, clean
and friendly horses. Our facilities are fully
equipped to accommodate small and large groups.
Our riding stables are open to the public. Please stop by and visit and see for yourself. Please call (573)348-8623 or (573)348-3131 |
Clean &
Modern Facilities |
Healthy &
Well-Fed Horses |
**No reservations can be
taken over the phone.
**Credit or debit card required in person for payment.
**Cash will not be accepted and payment will not be accepted
over the phone.
**All ride times are paid for in person in advance the day of
ride taking place - no refunds for cancellations or not showing
for scheduled time. Rescheduling of ride time is not permitted.
Thank You For Your
Cooperation & Understanding During This Transitional Period! |
Voted Missouri's Best 2021 For Kids To
Have Fun! |